
Yoga Classes

In recent years, Yoga has become a part of many people’s daily workout routine, such that, we celebrate International Day of Yoga (21st June), which is a very big and proud step for all

Indians. Yoga is not considered a joke or something acrobatic anymore. People have started to become more aware of this ancient Indian way of living.

Raj Aerobics (Hyderabad) provides Yoga classes starting from a beginners level to an advanced level.

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Initiation Fee

Featured Programs

In recent years, Yoga has become a part of many people’s daily workout routine, such that, we celebrate International Day of Yoga (21st June), which is a very big and proud step for all

Indians. Yoga is not considered a joke or something acrobatic anymore. People have started to become more aware of this ancient Indian way of living.


Ashtanga Yoga

A modern version of classical Indian yoga. Poses and movements linked to breathing techniques are applied here.

Iyengar yoga

Involves correctly body aligned postures with the help of props such as chairs, straps, blankets etc.

Kripalu Yoga

Classes commence with breathing exercises, warm-up exercises, series of individual postures and end with a body relaxation posture.

Kundalini Yoga

Solely focuses on meditation and breathing techniques. Also involves chanting and singing.

Prenatal Yoga

Intended for pregnant women, to enhance their mental and body strength for an easier and healthy.

Hatha Yoga

Commonly used as an introduction to basic yoga poses.

Restorative Yoga

Wholly focuses on the mind and body relaxation.


Happy to say, this is d best choice it really workout…. Having fun with Gud result 😄💃🏻

hemu hemaswi

Awesome experience 👍🏻
Raj sir thank u so much 💐

mounika raj




Studio H0urs

Monday-Friday: 5am – 11pm

Saturday: 5am – 10pm

Sunday: 5am – 9pm

Free 3 Day Studio pass

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